Wednesday, May 20, 2009


I don't have any new pictures to share I am so sorry we are just so busy I will try to get some this week. I started potty training my girls this week we are having so much fun!! Momma Katy has taught us the sign for potty and Ella is asking to go today I put her down for a nap in the same pull up she came to school in!! She has used the potty all morning. GREAT JOB ELLA!! Laney and Hope both like to sit but have not figured it out yet but it will happen soon! Little Lili has started sitting up on her own (and then she claps her little hands :)) She is up on those hands and knees and starting to crawl watch out big brother you are in for it when she figures this out!! Hailey is reading WOW when we lay down at nap time we watch a video about letter sound or one on putting letters together to make words. Well Hailey figured it out and is now reading four letter words!! I have got to get a picture of Jaxon he just got a new summer hair cut and he looks just like his daddy! Logan is doing so good with getting here so early in the morning that boy has all kinds of energy!! He so looks up to his daddy they play "beer man" because his dad works for Budweiser. It is so funny to watch! Erik is all about snakes and is talking so much! Zoe told me she didn't want to share the toys yesterday she wanted to play by herself because at home her big brother always annoys her!! hehehe!! I almost forgot Hope and Laney have figuered out my big slide. The whole time we are out there they are sliding and Ms. Keri is standing guard to make sure we sit down to slide!!! I will get some pictures!!

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