Thursday, July 31, 2008

Diaper Cake

Okay this is my First ever diaper cake What Do You Think? We had a great day watching lady bug taking a few nervous steps. And baby Hope found her hand and she just stares at them with such amazement. Trevor is getting excited about the baby shower. Logan is such a great big brother he is always so concerned about his baby sister. Jaxon and Erik and little miss Hailey were all about the hot wheels today. Nichole is my little reader you can always find her with a book. Tristan and Becca have one more night at VBS. Well summer is almost over I have my two going to school and Trevor leaves for kindergarten and Nichole is leaving me for Preschool. I will probably cry I really miss them when they leave ( they grow up to fast!!) I hope you all have a great night!!

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Lessons from Mr.Kenny

Yes he is teaching them to make "that" noise with their arm pits. There are moments as a mom you just shake your head and walk away!! As soon as my two figure this out I promise they will share their new found talent with all your children. Just wanted to share that mommy moment with you.
Today was a wonderful day we had tea parties, play with the baby dolls, we played with trucks and the list goes on and on. I was so happy to get belly laughs from Hope. Little miss Hailey was the chef at the kitchen center. All in all we had so much fun. I HAVE THE BEST JOB EVER!!

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Well the house is so quite daycare is over and my children are at VBS and it is just me and Toby(the dog)!! I know I should enjoy this but it is strange not to have noise. Well we all had a great day today. Laney and Logan spent the night I so miss my kids cuddling in my lap (and it not hurting my leg!!:) We were eatting supper and I looked at Mr. Kenny and said "Don't you miss this" not skipping a beat he says "NO" Men think so different.
Well little miss Hope decided she was going to let Becca know who was in charge at Ms. Keri's Gotta love it!!
Well not a whole lot today but as the week progresses I am sure we will have moment to share with you all!!!

Monday, July 28, 2008

Hair stylist

Okay today Nichole, Hailey, Erik (all hair stylist children) were sitting around the vanity. They had Haileys head in the sink washing her hair as nichole scrubbed her head she said " and these shoes I got them on sale for $9.00 "
Hailey replies " oh my gosh on sale at Wal-mart, they are sooooo cute"
Erik answers with " They are just perfect "
I have no idea were they get this stuff but I love to just sit back and let them go there is no telling what they will say next. I am so blessed to have these children as part of my family!!!